Friday 6 August 2010

Roles within the Magazine Industry: Photographer

What is an Photographer?
There are many different ways to describe truly what a photographer is, in simple terms though, it is someone who takes photographs using a camera of some sort. The difference in photographers is there there are Amateur Photographers, whose main purpose is to take pictures for pleasure and to record an event, place, person or emotion, and there are Professional Photographers, who use photography as a way to earn money. A professional photographer may be an employee of someone e.g a newspaper, or be an independent professional photographer, where they get hired to do certain jobs in there "chosen field" e.g one professional photographer may specifically do magazine photography and another might specifically do Wedding photography, etc etc.

What qualifications do you need to be a Photographer?
Although some people say that you don't technically need any qualifications to become an Photographer, if you want to become one, specifically one who specialises in images seen in magazines, there is more chance of being successful with this with qualifications for it, these qualifications help to provide a solid understanding of photography and technical practice. An associate or bachelor's degree in photojournalism or visual communications would give an photographer a strong foundation of skills to build upon and will create a network of professional resources to pull from during her career.

What responsibilities does a Photographer have?
Many photographers are freelancers, and this particularly includes magazine photographers. These type of photographers have the responsibilities of capturing the type of images that the magazine they're shooting images for want and they also must ensure they capture enough shots for each separate "subject" they're shooting for so it gives variety and chose for the editors to choose from. As well as these responsibilities, Magazine Photographers also must ensure they take care of there camera and the equipment that goes with that camera as these things can be very costly to replace.

What experience does a Photographer need?
To be a photographer of any type, while work experience isn't technically needed, it would be very helpful in enhancing a photographers career if they gained experience in working with an professional photographer, even if there is no or low pay, the stuff learnt under the hand of an experienced professional would be invaluable. Getting any work experience with a professional even if its just being an assistant would definitely help a future photographer get a "taste" so to speak of what its like and gain invaluable experience.

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