Wednesday 4 August 2010

Roles within the Magazine Industry: Picture Editor

What is an Magazine Picture Editor?
Magazine photo editors are the liaisons between writers, photogeraphers and other editors, the job of a photo editor is to visualize the message of the editorial material, the magazine photo editors work with editors on how the magazine text can be enhanced, or emphasized with images and then go about hiring the photographer they think right for that particular job.

What qualifications do you need to become an Magazine Picture Editor?
The ideal qualifications one would have to become an Magazine Picture Editor would be a bachelor degree in journalism or mass communication, as well as this there are also some Universities that offer graduation degree programs in editing as well as publishing, which would also be acceptable qualifications to use to become an picture editor for a magazine.

What responsibilities are involved in being an Magazine Picture Editor?
A magazine picture editor has the responsibility, along with the photographer, to pick the best photo's for each story that may be featured in the magazine. The picture editor also has the responsibility of keeping the photographer on track so to speak, a picture editor will point out the positive things the work the photographer did as well as discuss things that can be improved on. Picture editors also carry the responsibility of scheduling the photographer's shifts and juggling photo assignments with their schedules.

What experience do you need to become an Magazine Picture Editor?
To become a Magazine Picture Editor, a major importance is to learn about photography and experience anything to do with photography, because even though you may not be the one taking the photos, you still need to understand the technical aspects of the use of cameras, by learning and experiencing photography it would probably give you more expertise for the job. As well as this, internship's and volunteer work for any job involved the Magazine Industry would be good for experience even if it has nothing to do with what you actually are aiming for, it would give experience in the Magazine "world" so to speak.

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